Monday, October 12, 2009


So these pictures are in reverse order to show you the thought process I was trying (with varying degrees of success) to use here.This is the color "sketch" I did in photoshop.

Here's a very plastic looking crab claw, painted a very brilliant blue!

So, I finally decided that the crab should be about the structure, not so much the paint job - I mean it's a sculpture, not a painting. Therefore, I decided to just make it a flat color. I really loved the crab when it was just gray, so I figured I could capture some of that same feeling, if it was a solid color...however, I'm still not completely convinced this is the right color ( I think I want something a little less brilliant).

This is what you call trying to create a 'gradient' of light to dark. Unfortunately, it looks more like the sky than a crab :)

Here, I was trying to force my idea of a blue crab onto a the reddish-black under-painting.

I ran out of my first red, so I ended up using three different hues to complete the paint job...not with a large degree of success, however.

I actually kind of like this look - it's like a fiery rust style.

After completing the primer coat, I painted the entire crab black. I did this because I like having a deep rich color to build my lighter hues upon - it gives the paint a stronger sense of depth.

Here's me trying to fight the crab...

...I think I can take him!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

6 more feet to go...

So, with the help of Andrew over at Wentworth Scrap Metal, I put together these beefy footings for the back legs of the crab. They're made of 1/4" diamond plate, cut into 9"x9" squares, with angled steel brackets welded on top. The idea here, is to create pads that the crab can rest on and not sink into the grass or dirt of wherever it ends up.

I painted the bottoms of them with about 5 coats of black rust-oleum paint - which I'm guessing should last awhile.